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G-1Rain Garden Location Identification and Installation


  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Completed

Lead paragraph

Not all drainage issues can be solved with storm drains and storm pipes. Isolated areas of standing water that don't have a drainage outlet can be converted to a rain garden. A rain garden is a shallow depression that uses native vegetation to filter and infiltrate stormwater into the ground.


The City will create a public reporting system and/or conduct a geospatial study of existing data to determine where the urban heat island effect most impacts Carmel residents. Utilize this data to identify locations for rain gardens to mitigate urban heat island effect impacts. Rain gardens also help reduce stormwater runoff and provide habitat space for pollinators.

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  • Time Frame

  • Cost

  • GHG Reductions


Summary and contacts

Contact persons

  • John Thomas
  • Todd Gillian
    Urban forester
    Urban Forestry
Information updated 01/02/2025