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  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Completed
On time

The Carmel Utilities have upgraded all City owned water meters to allow tracking of water usage down to the hour.


This strategy will allow Carmel to benchmark its current water usage and determine areas of improvement. The establishment of key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics will help the city measure progress in meeting its established goals. This strategy was added by the Climate Action Advisory Committee as it goes along with Strategy G-3 as it will help show progress of G-3.

  • Time Frame

  • Cost

  • GHG Reductions



What are we doing?

  • Todo9/30/2024

    City Irrigation Assessment

    Per direction from the Climate Action Advisory Committee, Carmel Utilities will gather data for water usage and specifically irrigation for City properties from June, July, and August.

Summary and contacts

Lead department

Contact persons

  • Tara Washington
  • John Duffy
Information updated 06.12.2024