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G-4Increase Number of Trees Planted Annually


On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Completed
Planting more trees within the City Right-A-Way every year


Carmel has been a certified Tree City USA since 1994. This strategy will ensure that Carmel maintains its status as a Tree City USA and further increase tree canopy coverage each year, which has a multitude of social and ecosystem benefits. Conduct an inventory of the City of Carmel to locate planting sites that could benefit from more trees. Target those areas first for tree plantings.

Number of Planted Trees by Year-

2018 - 1,731 trees planted

2019 - 2,048 trees planted

2020 - 1,507 trees planted

2021 - 1,168 trees planted

2022 - 993 trees planted

Read more

  • Time Frame

  • Cost

  • GHG Reductions



What are we doing?

  • Todo12/31/2023

    Inventory All Planted Trees in Public ROW Yearly

Summary and contacts

Lead department

Contact persons

  • Todd Gillian
    Urban forester
    Urban Forestry
Information updated 04/24/2023

How this strategy contributes to the outcome