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T-5No-Idling Policy Technical Assistance


  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Completed


No-idle policies reduce ambient air pollution by requiring people to turn off their ignition instead of idling at wait areas or in parking lots. Reducing idling will save individuals money on fuel, reduce citywide emissions, and improve overall public health. The City will partner with local schools, hospitals, and other entities that are frequented by young people and individuals who are at higher risk for respiratory effects from poor air quality first to implement no-idling policies. In addition, the City will educate its employees and the public on the cost savings, emissions reductions, and cost savings associated with emissions reductions.

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  • Time Frame

  • Cost

  • GHG Reductions


Summary and contacts

Contact persons

  • Kevin Whited
    Transportation Development Coordinator
    Marketing and Community Relations
Information updated 12/20/2024

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